Hi all. I am using “AS3 Text Editor Lite” which is free to use for developers. The fonts within this, are calling from the fonts installed on your computer. So if you create a program that allows a user to input text, they can choose from a list of fonts. I have additional fonts I want to add, and embed, so that anybody new who uses the program, will see the proper font without having to worry about having that font installed on their computer.
The command this Text Editor uses to select the fonts is this
font_cb.dataProvider = new DataProvider(Font.enumerateFonts(true).sortOn("fontName"));
Now I looked up “enumerateFonts” and it reads that it “Specifies whether to provide a list of the currently available embedded fonts.” That is great, I want to provide a list of fonts I embedded into Flash, and it is set to “true”. So now, It provides a list of every font installed on my system, including the fonts I manually embedded (supposedly). The problem is, when a user who doesn’t have the fonts I embedded installed on their system, they can’t see them. They still show up in the comboBox(the title of the font), but when selected, they are just the default font.
Any clue as to what is going on? Am I embedding them wrong? I followed this link to embed a font - http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flash/quickstart/embedding_fonts/
This is a huge issue and its hard to test it from my computer, considering I have to actually install the font on my computer in order to embed it into flash (I don’t use the flexSDK, I use Flash IDE and AS3), so testing it, no matter what it will work hehe. It has to work on peoples computers who don’t have the font installed
Ty much in advance, as always :yoshi: