
Hi, I’m new to the forum, but i have used tutorials quite a bit for flash, thought i’d sign up.

I draw pen and ink cartoons and i like to animate the results in flash. I have a particular handwriting style i use for my cartoons that is part-and-parcel of the whole look. Up til now i have been handwriting the text in, but now i have come up against a problem where i really need to be able to create a font that resembles my handwriting style: dynamic text.

You can have a look here

to see what i am on about - near the bottom is a hit counter (created with a little help from!) but the numbers are dynamic text and i have had to try to find some text to match.

So my question is: how can i make a font for use in flash? I have looked at fontographer and created a font in it, but this did not work at all in my flash - the text box started doing all kinds of weird stuff. the font i created was truetype - but nowhere could i find anything that said truetype fonts dont work in flash. nevertheless mine was not.

there is also some stuff on this site about using pixel fonts for clearer results in flash, but I am not sure how to go about creating one, is this the right thing to do, how are pixel fonts different from vector fonts (i understand pixels and vectors, but not how they apply to fonts particularly).

has anyone ever made a font for flash? and if so, how? any advice or hints (or pointers to further information)

thanks for any help