Footer Crackdown!


Who appointed you footer police?

Is someone busting you about footer size? Is a mod busting someone because their footer is too large in file size?

Just relax. If this is your biggest worry, get out more often.


oh, and BTW - my footer is 14k…

You can’t always trust Netscape’s size… I’ve seen it change several times on the same file…


yeah, and I no longer have my footer up. I took it down recently when I realized that my files were too big. I have had my current footer up for about a week or so I believe. I also have footers turned off on the forum so browsing is faster…


no. that’s not my biggest worry :sigh:
i was searching for a stupid cookie and i was just curious… that’s all.

but i do think that if you guys have a sticky in the 50% of the forum sections, at least you should give us a good example :wink:

and i apologize for the inconvenience.

Is anyone’s footer bothering you?

why do you feel it is your responsibility to stand up for everyone?

I am offended at the assumption we live by a diff rule than the rest.


My current pic is 14.9kb! :stuck_out_tongue:

hehe my footer is 11k. and i’ve got sound :wink: !

hahaha i never knew you had sound, thats cool :slight_smile:

wow new smiley…:alien: me likes

I have juast read this entire thread I was really amused by all the reactions. I have to agree with RenGirl. I think that to make a footer revolving around a smiley would squeeze out the creative part in all of us and that would be a great thing. Sure we can do a lot of actionscripting and animation and we’re good at it too, but it’s really in our creativity where we are determined great…

PS. Don’t mind I’m just drunk… :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by comicGeek - “Sure we can do a lot of actionscripting and animation and we’re good at it too, but it’s really in our creativity where we are determined great…”

I don’t know how to do the quotes with italics etc…I’m not good at actionscript or animation :*( but i have this picture in my mind of a really great footer…recently inspired by fav band and their vids =) just gotta work out how to get it all done and looking :A+: blah im rambling…ill shutup now

Just wondering if my footer is ok…its 7kb so size wise it should be fine.

Marcellinus :toad:

It looks nice :beam:

  • Soul :s:

I made that smily tool!! :beam:


  • Soul :s:

Thx Soul! Glad you like it, lol.

mmmh wasnt this a sticky ???

a mod must of unstickied it.:stuck_out_tongue:

here’s an idea… if CPU ever turns out to be a serious issue, you could require that the footer only animates onMouseOver, that way no matter how many are on the page, only one runs at a time.
Of course, if it was ever a serious issue, people could just start browsing with footers turned off…

clownstaples: Well footers are a part of what makes this forum interesting, so making people turn them off because people want to go overboard is kind of lame. And true that we could do animation on rollOver, Rev does that in many of his footers, but to require that it only animates on rollOver may be a bit overboard depending on the animation.

Either way, the rules have been decided, and thats that.