Footer..Pls help a girl out

Hey. Sorry but the link happens to be down at this time and I was just about to learn how to add a footer to my posts…Could anyone give me a run down on how to use an image from my comp as a footer???


ms. blaze, us this code

object classid=“clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000” codebase=“,0,29,0” width=“300” height=“60”
param name=“movie” value=“http://yourmomandhercode.swf
param name=“quality” value=“high”
embed src=“http://yourmomandhercode.swf” quality=“high” pluginspage=“” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“300” height=“60”/embed**/object*

replace *'s with proper <>

thanks … sheep

Hey sheep, there is an easier way.

It will probably help you out with how much you update your footer ;)…lol.

It is shown in this thread…

now youve got a problem with my code??


No, just showing you another method which uses less code and is easier to modify :wink:

oh dude, i atleast i expected you to laugh, i was just kiddin

thanks for the tip, im sure you do know best codemasta:beam:

swf=" height=100 width=300 WMODE=transparent "][/swf]

Just replace h with the site and footer with the page its on. Put a [ before the beginning of it, but if i do that here, it turns into a footer :).

NWC :trout:

I think naliwarcowz will win the footer competition, what do you think lost?

By the way, the new 50 cent cd is phat, just thought you would want to know lost considering you hate rap :wink:

Sheep: The wink the wink… it was the punchline of my joke…lol.

nali: The thread I posted a link to showed them that code :wink: (<–the wink the wink)

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**I think naliwarcowz will win the footer competition, what do you think lost?

By the way, the new 50 cent cd is phat, just thought you would want to know lost considering you hate rap :wink: **

Umm… nah… for reasons I cannot say because they have to deal with the work in progress rules.


AHHH RAP EW EW EW EW EW. Thanks for the tip though… :wink: (<–the wink the wink)

By the way, I was being sarcastic about his footer :wink: ( <~~~ I can wink too! )

You just got regulated. . .

*Originally posted by dan4885 *
**By the way, I was being sarcastic about his footer :wink: ( <~~~ I can wink too! )

You just got regulated. . . **

I know you were Dan :flower: (<– AHHHH)

Well I’m going to bed, I’m on my dad’s PC right now cause mine was being gay and I ripped my wireless HUB out of the USB port and screwed up the USB connector (which didnt help the problem)!

theres a footer competition?

Not yet :wink:

There is one in the making though. No information is being given out about it though :wink:

I mean… people who were around for the Actionscript Grid competition should know about the footer contest, that part isn’t a secret. But we are still working out things for it.



*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Not yet :wink:

There is one in the making though. No information is being given out about it though :wink:

I mean… people who were around for the Actionscript Grid competition should know about the footer contest, that part isn’t a secret. But we are still working out things for it. **

man thats so ancient!!! its been “in the works” for almost a decade now…:hangover: sheep don’t hold ur breath expecting a footer contest!!

edit: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

It has no been in the works for that long.

Kirupa originally said he will wait a few months before he starts working on it :stuck_out_tongue:

This was when the idea was first brought up.