Help with my footer please

ive been working on a footer that i will have link to my webpage when its finished, but its over the 15k limit and i would like help on inproving it and on makin the file smaller.
Can anyone help me with this?
i’ll attach the file for u to look at

you must be crazy :crazy:

it has less than 2 kb!

well, it says its 16k and it wont let me upload it cuz it thinks its 16k

It is 1.38 KB

Check this thread to find out how to add a flash footer…

edit: Oh… your .fla is 16K, but you don’t display your .fla file, you display the .swf file that you export (File/Publish)

ok thx, that did help, also do u have any suggestons on how to make it look kewler?

*Originally posted by Mista Bliss *
**ok thx, that did help, also do u have any suggestons on how to make it look kewler? **

Keep experimenting. :wink: