Footer test

I think I did this right…

lol to big.

[swf=" height=60 width=300"][/swf]

apparantly I didn’t…

actually, it’s not. it’s 225 x 60

oh, how do I convert it to .swf?

you have to upload the .swf file. not the .fla file.


you forgot the "

[swf' width=225][/swf]


thanks, I got it. But I need to screw around with it a little…

it didn’t look like I thought it would…

lol, your welcome. if you have any more questions, just ask

er… how do you save as an .swf?

did you export the movie yet?

er… I just designed the good version in flash. I can only save it as a .fla

oh wait, I just figured out what you ment.

got it. Thanks;)

when you export it, i think it automiacally makes a .swf file.

still a few more touches to make, but you can at least see where the inspiration came from xD

is the footer under 15k? the new requirements are as follows.

quote: <B>LostInBeta</B>

Footer Crackdown!
Alright people!

It seems the mods have now agreed that it is time to start cracking down on footers. We were lenient before and allowed people to exceed file size and dimensions of footers.

We are now going to start being more strict on that kind of thing. Larger file sizes cause the site to load extremely slow on dial-ups and sometimes even broadband depending how many of those people post in one thread.

Also the oversized dimesions take up way too much space on smaller monitors. YES PEOPLE STILL USE 800x600!!! (Over 50% of web viewers actually, just in case someone wanted to bring that up).

We aren’t trying to be mean or unfair or anything like that. We are actually trying to be more fair to people accessing this forum.

The requirements for footers are as follow…

Dimensions: 300x60 or less
File Size: 15Kb or less (including all/any external files being loaded in)
Text in Footers: 2 lines of text are allowed below or above footers. If your footer is all text, 6 lines are allowed.

To show you that this rule applies to everyone you will notice my footer has changed (as well as avatar for matching purposes). This is because my footer didn’t meet the file size requirement. Mods are not an exception to this rule.

Oh yeah, and be sure not to be processor intensive in your footer as well…

on tripod it says 1 kb…

is that ok?

*Originally posted by Alex *

Oh yeah, and be sure not to be processor intensive in your footer as well… **

processor intensive… mind explaining this to me?

(thanks for putting up with me @_@)

look at the file where it is saved on your computer. right click and click on propertys. and check if it s over 15k.:slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Nolaquen *
**processor intensive… mind explaining this to me?

(thanks for putting up with me @_@) **

i think it means if there is alot of animation, and if you just happen to post 5 times in one thread. that will mean that it will take more time to load for users. not counting there footers.

i think thats what it means.
