==== Team WordPress Proudly presents ====
We are a team of WordPress coding professionals with a combined experience for over 5 years in coding, optimizing and extending WordPress templates and websites.
Our services are not only affordable, but very professional and delivered within time, always. We code until you are satisfied.
[COLOR=#182a74]our competitive rates are as follows:[/COLOR][LIST]
[]PSD or alike to WordPress-ready templates: $350,- per website
[]Standard PSD or alike to (x)HTML / CSS templates: $100,- per template
[*]Any specific request? Just ask us: info@teamwordpress.com. We’ll be happy to assist you![/LIST]
[COLOR=#182a74]Included in these pricings are:[/COLOR][LIST]
[]Free service until the WordPress website is launched
[]Free corrections until one month after website is launched
[]Free support through Email, MSN and AIM
[]Guaranteed correct display of your templates in all major browsers on all major platforms[/LIST]
[*]Because of the nature of our work as a sub-contractor all portfolio items are viewable upon request.[/LIST]
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask us. We are available for most part of the day and night.
Our website, www.teamwordpress.com is currently being developed and we hope to launch it soon.
Thank you for reading this!
Michael, Jasper