For loop messin this up

for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
on (rollOver) {
	var colorful = new Color("_root.particle"+i);

any clue why that does absolutely nothing? It’s on a movieclip… just so you know… I can’t figure out what to do

here is the .fla so far

Also, can someone take a took at the “shadow” layer and tell me whats goin on with it?
thanks a lot

i opened ur fla, but every time i tested it, it opened another file and the fact taht it was named virus.fla made me a little uneasy. but anyway…you have syntax errors, for one. so fix those. im done w/your funny file. :slight_smile:

hm… try this:

for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
        on (rollOver) {
               this["colorful"+i] = new Color(this["_root.particle"+i]);

one thing i dont get though, what object are the ‘on(rollOver)’ actions assigned to?

the rollovers are supposed to apply to the actual particles… just couldnt figure out how to do it…
ill test that later

eron… yeah i figured that was a bad name but i was too lazy to rename it… so pretend it says bacteria… btw, i fixed the syntax errors like 2 seconds after i posted it cuz im an idiot;)

try this then :slight_smile:

for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
        this["_root.particle"+i].onRollOver = function() {
                this["colorful"+i] = new Color(this["_root.particle"+i]);

says i need an onClipEvent handler… but I never know how to fix that… here comes another fla
also, can you check out my “shadow” layer… I’m tryin really hard to make that work but i dont know what I’m doin wrong