For loop only run once?

Hey there Guys/Gals,

I’m trying to get all the data out of a chunk of xml so i wrote this code:

for (var i:uint; i < infoGroup.length(); i++) {
          for (var j:uint; j<infoGroup*.infoPoint.length(); j++) {
     trace("-end of section-");

How ever the second for loop is only run once, Why is that? Here is the output and the xml.

This is some information regarding the background of whatever I am talking about in the XML file

This is simply a text part

-----end of section-----
main Information
-----end of section-----
Misc Information
-----end of section-----

<infoGroup sectionName="background">
            <infoText>This is some information regarding the background of whatever I am talking about in the XML file</infoText>
            <infoText>This is simply a text part</infoText>

<!-- the other section have the same format! -->

Its easy to see from the out put that the second for loop is only run once =[

Thanks for you help! <3

Did you try the following

for (var i:uint; i < infoGroup.length(); i++) {
          for (var j:uint = 0; j<infoGroup*.infoPoint.length(); j++) {
     trace("-end of section-");


The way i understood it was:

His second for loop runs once (output google and and ask)
then his first loop runs again, after that his second for loop doesn’t run anymore.

I think his j is not reset so it will stay j = 2, that’s why I edited the line

for (var j:uint; j<infoGroup*.infoPoint.length(); j++) {


for (var j:uint = 0; j<infoGroup*.infoPoint.length(); j++) {

don’t know if that’s it.

For future loops which access XML, I recommend using a for each loop instead.


That was exactly it =D.
I guess I thought that the var j would be reset when the 1st loop was called again. Thanks a-lot


Why for each? Is it better? will look into it though =D

Thanks everyone

It takes a lot of the work out of it for you. If you use E4X with it, you can really quickly and cleanly parse through XML.

Let’s say you had some XML:

<sandwich breadType=“rye”>
<ham ounces=".4"/>
<sandwich breadType=“white”>
<ham ounces=".3"/>
<ham ounces=".2"/>

You could figure out how many ounces of ham were in


you could figure out how many ounces of ham you had by using:

var totalHam:Number = 0;
for each(var ham:XMLNode in food…ham)
totalHam += ham.@ounces;

or even more to the point

for each(var hamOunces:Number in food…ham.@ounces)
totalHam += hamOunces;