For sale: Brand new Graphire4 pen tablet

…sans pen.

Here’s the story:
I’ve been using a Graphire3 6x8 for ages, but my pen recently broke when I overestimated its strength against a brick wall. So I rushed out trying to find a replacement pen, but with no luck. All the stores had to order them in, which takes weeks. They DID have complete tablets in stock, though, so I grabbed the cheapest one - a Graphire4 4x5. All Graphire pens are backward-compatible, so I figured that if 4x5 was too small for me, I’d just keep the pen with my old 6x8 Graphire3, and sell the brand-new Graphire4 4x5 without the pen.

So yeah… I took the tablet out of the box and used it for about 15 minutes before deciding that 4x5 is too small for me, so I kept the Graphire4 pen and re-packaged the rest. It’s all in the original box, complete with driver CD, a few program CDs (Painter, etc) and manuals. I’ll also throw in my broken Graphire3 pen, if that might be of any use to anyone.

ANY Graphire pen will work on this tablet. Graphire 1, 2, 3 or 4.

Before I put it on eBay, I’m giving Kirupians a chance to bid on it. It’s about US$99 RRP new, so throw me your offers. Take into consideration shipping from Australia.
