For starters

:sigh: Okyadokie, I am a FNG. I am brand spankin monkey new to flash…

     If some of you addicts could share your wonderfull knowlegde with me that would be great, but for can someone tell me where to start. It seems that the world of Flash is quite emmense. I have never worked with anything like it or whatever. The last program i have used alot was paint in high school, soooo just to let you know where i stand in creative programing. 

                       so if you could point me in the right direction in where to start learning that would be coo...i am fasinated with what people can do with flash and am drooling to learn.  I am a big gamer so i know a little about computers but want/need/have to learn more.

so without further ado…whala please help…oh yeah btw…this isn’t a whim i am really intrested in learning flash and whatever else you use to create web sites and other fun shiznat:A+: :wink: :q:

adios and thanks in advance for any help!


just do some tuts…you can find some on this site…if you run into any problems then ask here

the documentation and tutorials that come with flash itself are good too… make sure you spend sometime on them=)

ok thanks guys
:crazy: :cowboy: :sleep:

start on symbols and motion tween…that’s where i started…ehehehehe…

Start from the beginning :slight_smile:

The tutorials that come with flash do rock.

Get used to the environment you are working in, and figure out what tools do what.

Then start with the basics such as tweening and messing with the properties of objects.

And when you get into AS, start small and work your way up, don’t go starting out trying to make a full out RPG style game or something, because you will find it tedious and probably give up flash.