For the love of god, please

. . . .ban JerethMiller for making such a crappy site:

awww come on Dan, it’s not that bad. :stuck_out_tongue:

oh lord… is that site a joke? Or is he serious?

Well it’s obvious that JerethMiller has been inspired by strongbad which is perfectly normal. Some people are influenced by 2A, JerethMiller is influenced by strongbad. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOL :submits it for SOTW:

lol, sen.

“I like to prgram”? sure, bet you like to more than spelling right?



Thats all I have to say.

This reaction seems to be something of a vogue at the moment, but - Ahhhhhhh! :stunned:

Seriously, would anyone miss him?

…who are we talking about again?


we can’t ban him on grounds for having a bad site, that just makes kirupaforum look bad. i really do think we should impose an age minimum for signing up from here on. this guy’s only 14. and the mid teenagers are really annoying.

I wish I still had my first site. It was called “circlejerking” and it had a huge 3D stick figure tugging on a circle. It was great! :beam: … sadly angelfire deleted it WITHOUT WARNING so I curse them for eternity.

lol thats awesome!