Fight! Fight! in Site Check =)

Mike edited his post before I could read it, but it obviously offended Uncleguito. What do you guys think?

Yeah, Guito actually sent me the URL of another stupid comment mike made - if Mike doesn’t stop, we may have to get Dan on him =)

Kirupa C:-)

Is that the same Mike as before?

Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Dear Mike,
Cut it out *****hole or else I’m going to ban your f
cken lame a.$.$!!

I like that, EG :evil:

I replied to a question in the MX forum from him where I mention that Lost. I just ragged on him before I answered his question… then I didn’t answer the question very in depth and said that he would get more replies from people if he were nicer. :slight_smile:

little bastard.

well, I didn’t go off on him or anything… this is david, not Dan. :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. beat them with a stick
  2. repeat number 1

there are two methods Phil. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sorry Philly I hadn’t voiced my support of your reply. I agree that that is the first step to take with anyone. At least that is the way I would have phrased my phirst reply to the bugger. I also would add in, “failure to adhire to good behavior will result in banning from this board.” or something like that.

It’s a good one Philly… really :slight_smile:

I’m sorry phil. I’m officially notifying you that I am feeling harassed by your recent posts, both here and in random. As this is something you felt was important in the past, I hope you understand the severity of the matter and will stop, as I stoped when I was asked to. If for some reason you feel that one of my recent posts was a directed attack at you, and this post is what you consider proper retaliation for said post, then please point it out to me. I am not harassing you, or talking to you. You’ve made it clear that you do not wish to converse.

as for this post that I made above, it was posted several days ago, and I still agree with it. That is the first response to any particular bannable offence, IMO.

I want an appologie for that comment phil. Just as you did when I used such unmod like behavior.


Same Mike that always spits out ignorant stuff in the site check section.

oooo, can you post a link to this thread. Me wants to seeeeeee :beam:

note: for the record, I really dislike Mike. I have for a long time now.

Well Mikes proven his apologies are worthless as every time he says something offensive he says sorry, but does it again (and in this case to the same person).

So even though the letter Phil wrote is a great idea, can we really trust his word?

I am all for Phils idea, but just something to think about.

I know, but I want to see his reply :stuck_out_tongue:

you may want to note what the next step is, whether he is on probation, whether he has to eat at a table by himself, or whether he has to wear Phil’s Dunce Cap for a while…

just an idea…


Yup, same Mike.

Hmm…Mike is a 7th grader, you think he’ll understand all that? I like the this one more

Dear Mike,
Cut it out *****hole or else I’m going to ban your f*cken lame a.$.$!!

Kirupa Chinnathambi

hehe ok j/k, I think that’s good idea Phil. It looks fine to me. =)