For those who use mac themes

i was just wondering, i have seen screen shots of some of those mac themes for XP, do they acctually have docks or si that just the bg? i really miss my dock so if there is really one i want it!


yes, there are two (technically three, but one has been discontinued due to legal issues with apple)
the two that are still in development are mobydock by moby, i believe his site is, but i’m not sure, and object dock, which can be found at
the one that was discontinued was y’z dock, which is my personal favorite, because of the docklet feature which makes it completely customizable. object dock is supposedly coming out with this in the .99 beta which should be available shortly
check for the links if the ones provided above aren’t correct

if you look here:

My desktop :sure:

whaddya meanby “dock”…? :-\