...any idea?

ive seen some screen shots of people that run XP, and it looks like they have the OSX dock emulated on the XP machine… does anyone know what program they use for this?

please… :moustache: merci

can you show us the screenshots?

WindowsBlinds or StyleXP

What Dan said.

i found out. its object dock… www.objectdock.com

its wicked cool.

hmmm - new one I havent heard of - thanks for the link.

The only problem I find with these programs are they are sometimes buggy and most of the time dont work the way I want them to. No matter what - I always come back to my original version of windows.

Not to say it’s perfect either :wink:

personally, i think winxp style is shiet anyways :x But don’t mind me. I like the old win2k style. Can’t beat win2k, that operation system… :slight_smile:

I don’t like the winXP look. I have mine set to the standard windows interface. Definitely less processor intensive. I do like skinned windows systems, but I don’t have a program to do it.

Not to mention my sisters are computer illiterate and I don’t want to confuse them too much. Make them think they have to relearn how to use computers or something.

I used to care about what my OS looked like but then i realized whats the point. It just eats up RAM and how often do you sit and stare at your desktop. I usaly have 5 things open and runing so whats the point of fancying up something I hardly ever look at

You know, I have to take back what I said before… kind of.

As I usually dont like this stuff - it’s too cluttery and it never works properly, this new “objectdock” is fantastic!

if any of you have used the Macintosh X OS you will know how cool the menu system is and this copies it almost PERFECT! and there are great icons on the internet to use along with it. I used to have the “my computer” toolbar across the top of my computer so I could get to my different drives faster but now I have the ObjectDock there and it works great!

Seriously - you should check it out.

yea, its perty cool. mine crashed a day after i posted a reply to this, and i havent been bothered to put it back. :stuck_out_tongue: