Form field

Sorry guys for the double post…But I am desperate. I have a flash form that I want to have a default value in when it is onBlur (or does not have focus) then onFocus the value goes away and the user is able to type. With a value in the field, when the field loses focus it retains the value placed in there. If they do not place a value in the field and the field loses focus it reverts back to the default value. Let me know if you need more clarity…

I saw sen (i think he helped someone with this before) in here that is why I doubled posted but it seems I have missed him :frowning: …Please dont ban me…

yeah it can be done. Define 2 text format object then link them up to the onSetFocus and on KillFocus commands. Inside the onKillFocus, check to see if they entered anything, if not, back to the original format.

grandsp5- thanks man

I am in no-way trying to lean on anyone for all their knowledge and I believe in finding things for yourself. But my AS is terrible could you kick me a lil snippet I can play with. I’ll trade ya some photoshop knowledge :slight_smile: (I barely get out of the D&D forum)

sure. my Photoshop skills need work anyways. give me a little while.

here i found an example I had lying around on my hd. This isnt exactly what you wanted but you should be able to add a check to see if there is any text in the field pretty easily.

ok thanks I will have a look at it and see if I can put something together. I’ll post if I get stuck.

man that AS is really out of my league. do you have a lower life form example?