What I have are some form fields that have some text in it as a defalut value then when the person sets focus in the form field the value disappears. Now if the place a value in the form field then move to the next form field thus losing focus on the first form field. I would like the info they input in there to remain there. But if nothing was placed show the default value. I know how to do it in html but not in flash. Pleez help. Would love to do some flash forms.
I’m not sure if I understand you correctly. Are you saying that by default the text boxes have text in them that explain what to fill in that particular text box; and then it disappears when the user sets focus to it?
Humm, this may not be what you’re looking for but this is what I do sometimes when I want something quick. Within Input text boxes you can still type in it. When you play the movie, that text shows up by default and the user can just tab to it (use tabIndex order function) and delete what is written by default with whatever it is they are typing. Even if they skip some of the input text boxes you have, the default text in the box doesn’t get sent when they hit the submit button.
yeah but I was hoping for some sort of onfocus event like in html…I am not sure if this is even possible in flash. But one of the flash Gods here will hopefully be able to help me!!
did not know of the onSetFocus. But I will now. Sorry they rarely let me out of Drawing and Design. My AS is weak. If anyone has a code snippet I can play with I would greatly appreciate it.