Form Tutorial

Over the last two days i have been learning php.

I have made a form were it send you information witch the user has entered.



These are very simple forms to make i was amazed on how easy they are and how easy to make a tutorial with.

Since today is sunny and i am happy i will be glad to make you guys tutorials for a simple form.

well it won’t do any bad if you make the tute! :slight_smile:

yeah. i took a break from PHP but i would take the tut.

me too, although if it uses the phpmail() functions im screwed, my server doesnt allow these…

there already is a form tutorial in the Best Of section.

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**there already is a form tutorial in the Best Of section. **

the ol’ search button strikes again…

well I dont think 2 tutes are that bad of an idea, mabye he does something different?

I say go for it man - I would love to have another tut to read :slight_smile: