Forum Problems

is anyone having any problems, such as loading, and trying to get here?

the top of the page would not loage (the flash menu) and it wouldnt let me go to

i have to go through my history files.

is any one having this problem?:sigh: :crazy: :stunned:

I have a very fast connection and its been loading like crap for the past two days.

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**I have a very fast connection and its been loading like crap for the past two days. **

I have an T3 equivelent connection and it is having a few problems, i wouldn’t call it crap though, its not that bad.

Around what time are you all experiencing these problems? I haven’t had any major problems of late.

around 3:00-4:00 est.

but now everything is working just fine :slight_smile:

I haven’t had much problems. The forum went down yesterday for a little while though, not long, only like 5-10 minutes.

yea for some reason when i was on the fourms, the top banner didnt load, then when i closed out for a second the came back, it said that the page could not be displayed. so i deleted my cookies, after a while of waiting, it worked 15 min later for me.

i had the same problem like 2 weeks ago but now it is runnin fast

i’m on a crappy dsl network that is slower than my Dodge and everything loads really quickly for me…

it could be my computer acting up :frowning: