How 'bout giving this a try? Could be fun :trout:
You all know how a forum story works: You continue the story from the last person’s post, being as creative as you possible can.

  1. Try not to write more than one paragraph.
  2. Try to end your post in the middle of a sentence (makes it more interesting) :wink:

Here we go:

Johnny was walking merrily along the footpath on his way to school. He had in his hand his lucky baseball bat, which he had won many games of little-league with. Suddenly, a purple and yellow spotted orangutan crossed his path. He said…

i dont like you! and he took his baseball bat and hit the animal and it died. He turned around and there was a police car right behind him. One of the cops got out and…

Hey can you help me get my hand out of this bat! I’m not sure how I got it in the thing but it really hurts!. The primate ran off shocked by the cazy pale monkey yelling at him and waving a big stick. He ran back into the jungle to…

Edit. This is not going to work with more than one person replying at once.
///I think I’ve tried this thread once before.

urinate in some bushes. Then Team Cobra came out of no where and TheCheat Commandos had to save the day! The Cheat was like…

what did you do that for? I now both have to go do php programming and eat a watermelon at the same time! I shall squash…