I’m still not getting cookied when I visit the forums (since the server swap over). Any suggestions??
well first check you have cookies enabled in your phorum options but it should be all set
you might have erased cookies on your browser (cos they sometimes are nasty) or disabled them in your preferences…
otherwise ive had a few slowdowns and php problems with this new version so that might be it…
Cheers mlk, I’ve checked all the above and it’s all in order, still no joy. Oh well, thanks for the suggestion.
maybe you need to enable cookies in Internet Options under security or Privacy, add kirupaforums.com to safe list and it should add the cookies
Cheers, but the wierd thing is that I can see the kirupaforum cookies in my browsers securities settings. It’s only happened since the server change over. Perhaps the new server is in some way incompatable with my browser??
Thanks anyway. It’s just a pain having to log in every time I visit.
hey biscuit, you wouldn’t happen to be related to cookie would you?
i see a very peculiar resemblance…i suspect you very well may be related…admit it!!!
It’s certainly possible that cookie could be my yankee cousin! I’m sure you know the two confectionary items are the same even if they are an ocean apart. Except that here in the Queen’s sceptered isle, biscuits are to be served with high tea at precisely four o’clock. Whereas stateside I beleive cookies are tobe enjoyed with a glass of milk just before bedtime.
But there I go again assuming you’re all American.:sigh:
me, I’m a Canuck (Canadian), and when I drink milk, i like dipping the cookies in until they are soaked
biscuits i don’t particularly like, only Maria ones sometimes, but usually i’m eating choc chip cookies or Oreo’s
how about you?
I’m not a great oreo’s fan. You can’t get them here but I go to NY a lot and I’ve had them there. Maybe it’s cos there black?? Over here I like choc chip cookies (yes, with milk, maybe i’ll get a green card). I also like Mcvities plain chocolate digestives.