Regarding Posts

Hey everyone,
I apologize for this, but we changed forum hosts, and the backup used was one from about 5 days ago. Therefore, any posts made in the past 5 days is, unfortunately, missing :frowning:

I tried to get the latest backup, but problems with switching the forum forced the hosts and I to use a working backup from a few days earlier. I wish I could have done more, but alas, I couldn’t do anything to fix this. My bad everyone.

Hey, at least, we can start afresh with a whole bunch of new conversationalizing =)

Kirupa :hat:

so who’s the new host?

mediatemple :slight_smile:

oh yeah… just recognized the 64… on the IP… cool man… what made you switch?

MT felt that it would be better if both the site and the forums were on their servers so that it would be easier for people to recognize them for sponsoring the site.

Kirupa :rambo:

oh good it’s not me!
I just noticed that some posts I’ve made are missing n’ stuff!
and the thread edwin made about the splash page or sth!
btw Edwin - recreate it! It was so kewl! =)

what’s weird is that there’s two kirupaforums right now… you can’t access the main page on the old server, but if you follow the links from the email notifications, you can get to the forum on the old server…

quite messed up…


And also… this forum is sending out emails, but they’re pointing to threads in the old Kirupa forum… therefore when you click on the link, it will take you to an incorrect thread (seeing as how we’re back 5 days and all…)

My bookmark was pointing to the old one. Oops. :slight_smile:

Changed it now though!

thats weird, i was wondering why when i came here it said fourms moved.=)

yeah, but once mediatemple switches the domain to its servers things should be ok…

****, I lost like 100 posts!

hehe :slight_smile: Domain names will be switched as soon as I find the password I used for the one.

lol… I lose passwords all the time…

yeah we all lost quite a bit… :frowning:

haha 300 post in 5 days isnt bad at all lol=)

but i get to celebrate my 1500 postings again:P

yeah… that’s cool…

and I get to celebrate my 292nd post again…


Man, in a week, you posted the same amount of posts that I have…

Kirupa can you please add a section to the old forums or something. Actually Kirupa you can move everything over to the new forums if the old forums are still up. I know how and it would be quite simple at that. Just let me know if you want any help. You can reach me on AIM @ Liquidphreak1220

hehe :slight_smile: Domain names will be switched as soon as I find the password I used for the one.