FourLeaves - Play time

Yeah, I had an idea and played about with it, ended up with this thing here, thought i would see if people had opinions on it.


I like it!
Ive always been a fan of this type of image and Im big on symetric drawings so bravo :wink:

Im glad you had an opinion… Im not sure on it myself. It was okay at first but i have been putting myself off it. But i think thats becuase its way late and im really ineed of something to drink and eat.

i think that a lot of the image is very smooth and symmetrical, but the leaves should be organic and break up the symmetry and cleanliness of the image…make them more realistic

a juxtapostion if you will! :beam:

Well, like I said i was just playing with an idea. So I don’t think i will take it any further. but thanks for the comments.