Okay so I started work on my ‘Portfolio’ the other day and I got to a point where I was like, yeah im happy with what ive got so far but how can I move on from here… Ive thought alot and have a few ideas but I would love the ideas of you KirupaKids to help me.
I like it, it’s sleek and stylish. Perhaps it could use a litte color, but I’m sure you could do that with the other pages and stuff. Maybe give the logo a slight greenish tint, that might look good and add a bit of color without overdoing it. I’d really like to see it animated.
your footer rocks!!! the site is looking nice and modern. I think that you should contenue your work as is. I like the plane/bland look, and on the point of focus there is a splash of color.
Not sure if your good looking enough to be on the main page though (j/k)
Only thing I’m not sure about is the border around the interface, it seems rather big. Now I’m on a real crappy computer right now, so maybe that’s why it looks a little funny to me, Ill have to check when I get home.
Thanks alot for the comments guys. Im working on the suggestions made. I tried making the logo more green earlier and it didn’t look right but i am going to try again now to see if i can get different results.
Its funny someone mentioned the red gradient, because i tried a red one and it didn’t look all the bad really.