Worst. Show. Ever.
what a piece of crap this was… I couldnt even watch the whole thing. Terrible.
Worst. Show. Ever.
what a piece of crap this was… I couldnt even watch the whole thing. Terrible.
can’t say i’ve seen it, Fox sux *** …cept for simpsons… i hate all those “reality tv shows” wish they would send them to spend 20 minutes in my neighborhood =) :trout: :trout:
I haven’t even seen it yet, but thanks for the warning sureshot.
Except for Sunday nights, Fox makes me want to hurt myself. If I see one more horrible reality show that MILLIONS OF PEOPLE ACTUALLY WATCH, i’m just going to move to some place that doesn’t have televisions.
hahaha, why not just NOT watch fox? i cant live without my tv…
I have to admit I watched the whole thing.
I wanted to see all the midgets pull the jet.
I like how PC the show was. Every time they alluded to them they called them “little people”
Wouldnt it be great if we just caled them MUTANTS?
I actually had an argument with my g/f over this.
They are mutants arent they?
I dunno just a thought
no offense to any mutants reading this thread.
fester…you actually have a GF? lol j/k if she is half as crazy as you …whoa…ur one of the few people i think are wierder than me (btw that is a compliment) =) =)
oh and who said being a mutant is a bad thing?? i would love to be called a mutant…maybe i would eventually evolve into Wolverine or Spiderman…
I have a g/f
Lived together for the past 2 years. As far as the wierd thing. I suppose that is a compliment. :beam:
And I try not to get into the habbit of calling her Mrs Fester.
I let phil handle that one
I tell you - Phil responds ONCE and the topic goes from what it was supposed to be about to something TOTALLY different hahaha
That’s ok - this isnt really a worthy topic anyway. NaliWarCowZ is right - sunday night’s is the only night that watching fox during prime time should be allowed
The only iem I do watch tv is fox on sunday night. The rest of tv has turned to crap.
All I have to say is TIVO!
you watch what you want, when you want… and for those with g/f, you can pause the game while she tells you about the latest bit of gossip from the hairdreser’s…
[SIZE=1](that was supposed to sound dated and sexist)[/SIZE]
ps… back on topic, I refuse to watch any of this “reality tv” , although I have tuned in to see Simon cut someone off at the knees…
Man - I have to get Tivo, just have to!
Is it availabe here in Canada? and do you have to have satalite to use it?
Yes, it is avail. in the Great White North…
and no, it is mainly for cable. Ultimate TV is the one to get for Satelite (tuner and recorder in one box)…
In the US, AT&T is offering Tivo with your cable for $300…
the slow motion is great for horror movies as well… :beam:
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**the slow motion is great for horror movies as well… :beam:
Unless you are talking about the girls with the big breasts running up the stairs instead of out the door you are one sick puppy
“great white north”
Why I otta… hahahahah
“mush you huskies, MUSH!”
Yeah, I find it amazing that these stupid reality shows are actually called “Reality TV” when they are as far from reality as humanly possible. How do these people watch them and thing they are interesting… Friends is more of a reality show than these pieces of crap on TV now.
Don’t even get me started on Fear Factor…
i got Digital Cable from Cox Communications and i can see whats coming up and have it alert me when a show i want to watch comes on, but i cant slow down, pause, rewind, OR fast forward commercials like i want…oh well
If you consider hitting the 8 sec instant replay and slow motion to watch the guy’s head get blown off by a cannon in <i>Patriot</i>, or watching the 30 ft Alligator in <i>Lake Placid</i> come out of the water to eat a cow in slow motion over and over again as sick…
Then yes, I am a sick puppy…:crazy:
BTW, what is your fav Newfie joke?
There are just too many to narrow it down but most all are funny! hahaha
And about the Tivo - it’s not available here… read this
Nope, and no announced plans to expand in Canada. But there are many Canadian’s who use a TiVo in Canada.
My guess is that it will be at least another year. They want to be profitable before taking on new ventures.
That said, if you can get a TiVo to Canada it has some utility if you can stand the non-subscribed nag screens. A guide-less data is still much more useful than a typical VCR. I’ve just moved back to Canada from San Francisco and while TiVo without guide data really bites compared to what I had, it is far superior to the VCR alternative.
Bell Expressvu has Dish’s older PVR technolgy available to its subscribers if you want to go that route … Also, there’s a Yahoo forum (I forget where) where Canadian TiVo users share ideas. For instance some Canadian users get partial guide data through 800 numbers that link up to data from a border town. To me this would be more frustrating than a guide-less TiVo but for some it seems to be an advantage.
So I guess it’s possible, but not official. Terrible.
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