Frame labels no longer working

I’ve attached a sample fla. When I click the button, it takes me to frame 10 even though the label is on frame 20.

What I think is going on here is that the scene-specific frame number of the label is converted a global frame number and the label is associated with that frame instead.

scene test.fla (35 KB)

Are you sure? I put trace('frame 20 of scene 2') on frame 20 of scene 2, and the output on click is:

frame 20 of scene 2
20 testFrame Scene 2

If things are still weird, check out:

Thanks for your help, Krilnon. Since I had to retype my post, I forgot to mention that I’m using Flash CS4. And yes, I’m sure. When I put your trace on frame 20, clicking still gives me:

10 testFrame Scene 2

and a split second later I get

frame 20 of scene 2

Senocular’s post doesn’t really address the problem either. I think I’m going to have to have to just stick to frame numbers and only use labels when there are no scenes.