what i have is my main swf that runs at 30 frames per sec and i load a external swf into a mc in the main swf. The external swf runs at 15 frames per sec when i run the main swf the loaded swf runs like its on speed. can i make the external swf run at its set 15 frames a sec or will it always take the main swf 30 frames per sec to run.
The loaded movie will always take on the attributes of the parent (root) movie, although there may be a workaround in flash 8 to set the framerate once the movie is laoded in ( although I dont think you can run two different frame rates in the same movie–
The only other way i can think of is to change the frame rate of the loaded movie and adjust the speed of the animation (swo that they both run at 30 fps)
I will give it ago i would have done something simliar its just so happerns that the swf i load contains serval movie clips that i have already converted but hey ho, i will convert them again to 30fps and see how i go thanks again