Hi , I’m new to this forum and joined it to ask this question. I am a user of MX 2004 and am encountering a very annoying problem. I am doing a sprite flash. Instead of creating new frames one by one, I copy/paste the ones i already have set up. Something weird happened. On every sequence where a certain character has his hands on his hips (phoenix from phoenix wright, or wrong, if your familiar with the flashes) he moves back and forth a few pixels. Did i edit a bitmap or a frame or something? because every frame like it moves over. And heres the worst part. I have no idea which frame it is. there are three frames. one is him with his mouth closed, and the other two are the same bitmap with mouths over them. I even tried copy/pasting from another similar file (the frames werent moving in that one) and then they moved in this one. Please help as this is very frustrating and i was so close to being done. Thanks!