Okay… I hate using frames, but I have a client that insists on using them. So, I have a simple top and bottom frame. The top frame needs to be static with the bottom one scrollable.
I’m using Dreamweaver and have tried all the different options to prevent a top frame scroll bar. The issue I’m having is when I set the top frame scroll to “no” that it is shifted slightly to the right, misaligned with the bottom.
I was hoping there was a way to set the scroll bar to “no”, but still have it line up with the bottom frame elements.
hmm, been a long time since i had to use frames… but one thing that does occur to me is that if your top frame is never going to have a scrollbar, but your bottom frame always one, you’ll need to allow for the fact that the scrollbar itself takes up 15 pixels of space, which might screw things up??
It would help a lot if you could upload the files. You should be able to fix your problem by adding a right margin to you top file. But also remember that frames use margins so you might have to play around with both.
<body rightmargin="15">
Which is what you would add to the source of your banner page.
nice link, carlitio - a good summary which, as you say, could be useful to show to prospective clients. in a similar vein, the institution i work for run occasional dreamweaver courses for admin staff, to ‘enable them to maintain their own page content’ (a fine idea), but these courses don’t seem to have been updated for years. and my heart sinks a little when i see items on the course like “making a simple page using frames”… sigh