
Here I have Flash drop down menu in the top frame and below that I have an html file. The height of the top frame is 50 pixels.

When I click on any of the menu a drop menu should overlap the html file. But drop down menu is not overlapping on the html file, instead it does not display beyond the top frame.

Is it possible to overlap flash menu on the child html frame?if yes could u tell me how ? thanx

I don’t think you can do that with frames. What’s in the top frame will display only as much as the height of it allows, in this case 50 pixels. If your Flash movie is any higher than that when it’s open, then some will be lost.

You could scrap the frameset, and place your Flash movie onto a layer in HTML, that might do it. :smirk:

thanx kit

don’t know if it would work but …

make the movie bigger and the background of the movie transparent =)