
Hey guys!

I have this frameset, its working alright, but as you can see when you resize it, scrollbars appear in the main frame!!

I understand if the up and down ones appear, but i dnt get why side scroll bars appear!!

Can anyone pls help!!


Its because you have a set size for the frame. If you want it to go away, simply extend the width of the frame a few pixels.

I need it to be 780 pixs but!!


but what?

Changing the width to 777px worked great for me and got rid of the horizontal scrollbar. This is the only way to get rid of just the horizontal scrollbar. And it is only 3 pixels off from 780px, so it shouldn’t screw anything up.

I got it to go away when i set the main frame to 797 pixs!

How did u manage to get rid of it by setting it to 777?

your talking bout the main frame in the middle right?

Ah, sorry, I got myself all mixed up.

In main.html change the width of your image to this…

<img src="graphic.jpg" width="764" height="267">

764 is the maximum width of your image you can have without index.html having a horizontal scroller, but 777 is the maximum width you can have without main.html having the horizontal scrollbar.