FREE 20gb iPod!

click the link. there are step by step instructions on how to get the free 20gb iPod. I have had almost 200 people check this post in the past day alone. Numerous have signed up. 100% legit. click the link and take 5 minutes to get your iPod.
any questions…please ask.

AIM: freeipodnow

Ok, let’s have a contest. Which mod can close this the fastest?

shall we place bets?

*** they dont pay you bumhugs enough

My bet: mdipi… since he’s the only Mod. I see on right now.

So who wants to take my bet?

Im going to back off this thread, it only encourages these forum molesting adverts…

I bet on a very angry senocular or kirupa

I saw others in here - so i figured it fit, if not then i suppose movei t back :smiley:

(hehe first move here as well.)