Layer: Submit/script
Frame: 40
Line: 16
_root.dataLoader.loadVariables("shout.php", _root.dataLoader, "POST");
// changed "send" to loadVariables
no popup, but couldn’t check for data being send…
Layer: Submit/script
Frame: 40
Line: 16
_root.dataLoader.loadVariables("shout.php", _root.dataLoader, "POST");
// changed "send" to loadVariables
no popup, but couldn’t check for data being send…
yeah i know about loadVariables and have been meaning to change it around, but I don’t have time to redo the file. Just been super busy with mid-term papers and tests and such… lots of school work this semester.
thanks for the heads-up
Hmmm… the data doesn’t get sent with loadVariables…
fixed it. I scraped the entire LoadVars thing. It wasn’t working… went back to loadVariablesNum
IN the Submit Frame change this code:
_root.dataLoader.nName = _root.nName;
_root.dataLoader.nEmail = _root.nEmail;
_root.dataLoader.nMess = _root.nMess;
_root.dataLoader.send("shout.php", _root.dataLoader, "POST")
change it to this:
loadVariablesNum("shout.php", 0, "POST");
and you won’t get that annoying pop-up. For some reason LoadVars.Send likes to open a new window and there isn’t a way to close it without an alert… But that code will fix it.
Hello I’m a mediocore flasher and I have no knowledge of PHP… I can’t seem to get this to work. The problem is that I cannot put my PHP files in the same folder with the rest of the files in my free host.
So can anybody help me point out what to change or redirect me to a free host that supports php in the same folder? thanks.
in the FLA flash file, you have to change the paths where it says LoadVariables or LoadVariablesNum
I believe the two locations are
Frame 2 in the Folder “Script”
then in the Folder “Submit” frame 40 change the entire code to this:
ok_but.onRelease = function() {
if (_root.nName eq "" || _root.nName eq "**Enter Name!**") {
_root.nName = "**Enter Name!**";
} else if (_root.nMess eq "") {
_root.nMess = "**Enter Message!**";
//} else if (_root.nEmail eq "") {
//_root.nEmail = "**Enter E-Mail!**";
} else {
TotalEntries = "";
correct = "yes";
_root.nPage = 1;
loadVariablesNum("shout.php", 0, "POST");
_root.nName = "";
_root.nEmail = "";
_root.nMess = "";
cancel_but.onRelease = function() {
_root.nName = "";
_root.nEmail = "";
_root.nMess = "";
Here is the new ZIP file. It should work without poping open a new window.
Let me know how it goes…
the link to see it in action again is:
nice job jubba
wow! this is nice! thanks Jubba! now… my problem is how can i edit this, to the size i wanted, and how can i put this into action on my craft webpages as i dont have knowledge in PHP.
i would also like to get some help on loading into my movie - i tried loading the swf but it just keeps playing the loading animation forever, even thought i know it works for sure if you access it directly - someone PLEASE help!!!
yes this came in more than handy! thanks! umm except i tried to load the movie from anohter main.swf and nothing came up, how do i manipulate the code so that the the stuff will actually show?
as a note i am trying out eyezberg’s new attachment, i am trying to load his into another movie…but like nothing pops up… its awefully blank…
yes, I never did get an answer to that problem - I finally had to move on to another guestbook - you may want to try making sure your main movie and the shoutbox are in the same folder and modifying the paths to reflect this - I had the same problem on the new guestbook and that fixed it… maybe it can work with this one too…
i hoping someone can modify the paths for me, cuz i am not too knowledged in this path stuff. anyone?
just wanted to throw this in there, you will have problems viewing the file(s) if you are trying to look at it on your desktop. You will need to upload it to a localhost/webhost that supports PHP
this is true, but even if it works on its own, it will not work when loaded into another swf…
like piou piou said,
i already uploaded it with all the correct php in the same directory and the txt file…but when i load it from another movie, it gets stuck at the loading screen,…if i just watch it with out loading it from another movie, it works fine, it will even let me post and what not…
i looked over the code, and everything looks like its in the _root.
i don’t know if making everything _parent will help…
is there another way to make it work, maybe replacing the _roots with this?
has the new flash upgrade fixed the issue?
Hey All,
I noticed that you can’t write long massages in the shoutbox what’s up with that and how can i fix this problem…
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