Free Source

here is a free source.
At first i was gonna make a game out of it and put ojn my site as no free source.

I made it in less than 10min.

Its one of those find the diffrent between two images.

Programs used

PhotoShop-Used to make images different

Macromedia Flash MX-To code the images so they are clickable.

All code i give

All the code i givw you should not be used to just make it yours.
You should stufy it and make experiments with it…

Free source

This game is all yours hope you enjoy.

The code will be inside of the Diffrent images…
Youll see when you get the source.

You dont want a free source oh you probally downloaded it.

But why not tell me what you think im pretty sure i would like that…

Cause i might add a counter and timer stuff like that…

Am getting ‘Unexpected File format’… :sleep:

Do you have Flash 5

For all the peeps out there ill change to flash 5 to.