Free Windows XP SP2 CD

I haven’t ss’ed programs in a while, some aren’t compatible. I remember when I tried to ss the Macromedia family and didn’t work. I never tried Office yet.

… ok - anyone else have any ideas? Any info would be great, this is pretty interesting!

that’s for filling me in, i might try that the next time i have to format :slight_smile:

That sounds really good - thanks for the link on how to incorperate SP2 on my Windows XP instal disc. That will be very handy for when i reformat soon.!

Do people suggest that before installing SP2 - that you do a complete reformat of the harddrive and start fresh by installing SP1 then SP2 and other patches etc??

I think thats what I will prob do cos it would be good if it were all fresh…

Theres no need to reformat there b3n. I mentioned that I was going to reformat only because I have so much crap installed already.

SP2 is evil and i just uninstalled it from both of my mainly used Computers, its so security crazy its like the computer is in charge rather than youo its almost as if it had a mind of its own :crazy:

You can disable all of the security features if you want :ro:

[size=1](…plans to hack grim’s computer…again :evil: )[/size]

and where exactly do i go about doing that i had a problem last night that it wouldnt let me run an executable file and it really got me p!$$ed off so i decided to uninstall it, if i can get over this and any other security issues i might consider installign it again

A lot of the security issues can be disabled by going to Tools | Internet Options || Advanced. Under Security, uncheck like 3 or 4 boxes there that don’t allow you to run Active Content. Also, on some EXE files, you can right click on it and select Properties. There are some security checkboxes that you can uncheck that will allow you to run the program.

But, if your computer is running fine under SP1a and you aren’t interested in any of the other performance tweaks, you don’t have to hurry and reinstall it again :slight_smile:

trust me Kman i tried everything in order to run that executable and nothing worked i uninstalled SP2 and it worked like a charm, i right clicked, left cliked middle clicked hell i did everything i could think about nothing worked, but all is fine and dandy now everythings working just like its used 2 :smiley: no more problems with appz either