I have a graphic that I created in freehand…And I am trying to get it into flash mx. It imports okay but for some reason it screws up the dotted line that I made in Freehand…Does anyone know how I can get my graphic from freehand without losing my dotted line??
well 3d this is off subject but do you like Freehand? cause i have used both Freehand and Illustrator and i like Illustrator like 50 times more…i just dont know why…
Im not a big fan of illustrator I forget why but I have not used it in a while since like 7 or something, but they are basically the same. But once again I use dreamweaver fireworks and flash so the integration is why I stay with freehand
yeah i was just wondering why, maybe cause i am so used to PS…but i thought the newsest Freehand was 10? cause thats what i am using…
[edit] yeah i was right, i just checked the MM site…i was like how did i already get an outadeted version…i just got it lol
I don’t know if this will work, but have you tried to bring it into FW, then flash?
I take it you are trying to export to swf from FH…
Don’t use FH much…
3d, try doing this to your graphic, give it a transparent border about 5-10 pixels all around, that is the method I used to maintain my images when bringing them into flash.
Hey electron could you elaborate a little bit on how to do this? I still have figured it out. Let say I was making a box no fill with a dotted line border. How would I do this with your technique.
I tried that it seems to make it worse. I tried png swf gif eps…stilll same thing
Ok let’s say you made a box with a dotted line border, the dimensions are width=200, height=200 for example, I’m not really familiar with Freehand, but in Photoshop you can adjust the canvas size. So what you would do is change the canvas size to width=220, height=220 and this will give your image a 10 pixel transparent border all around. Your box would still look the same, but just with the transparent border around the dotted line border. I hope that’s a bit more clearer.
OHHH okay i get it. Yeah freehand does not give you the option to resize canvas. BUt I kinda fixed the problem. Just created a dotted line gif in PSP 7…then put it on a layer above the other stuff. I know that is not a fix but hey. Thanks for your time tho man!!!