w’sup everybody,
i’m having MAJOR problems exporting and/or saving an illustration i created in freehand MX as an EPS. my objective is to be able to open the illustration in Photoshop, and continue workng on it there. i dont nesc. need to preserve the layers of the freehand document (would be nice though)… i just need the illustration exported with a transparent background, that i can work on in PS7
i seem to be able to save/export it as a .psd fine, but it gets “flattend” and a white background is added.
this is an old illustration i created a while back, so the file is BIG… with lots of transparencies, gradients and layers. when i try saving/exporting… the program eventually just freezes.
a year ago or so, i DID find a solution… (trying to remember… but i think it involved “flatening” the layers inside the freehand document, and then maybe exporting to fireworksMX, and then to PS… but i cant remember now exactly what i did.)
i’m running freehand MX, on Windows XP machine, with a PIII and 800k+ ram.