
I’ve been reading alot of stories about these free Ipods, including reviews on the national news.

BBC News Story

Anyway, the point is that im wanting one :slight_smile: But I live in the UK! IS there anyway I can get the ipod delivered somewhere and then have it shipped over to the UK? I don’t know anyone in the US at all.

I came to you lot first as i know you can be quite a smart bunch if you get down to it :wink:


looks to me like its a US thing :slight_smile: sorry

Is there anyone in the U.S who willdo this for me and ill pay for you to ship it to me in Australia and a bit extra ??

Is this actualy legit?

Yes, it is legit I guess, but it seems like an evolved version of a pyramid scheme, so after only a few iterations it becomes impossible to find someone who hasn’t already participated.

Would anyone want to allow me to use their US Home address to have the ipod shipped to? And then ship it to the UK. Obviously i’d pay for shipping and give you a game of your choice (PC, PS2, GameCube etc…) once the ipod arrived.

Thanks loads.

Not exactly the easiest and safest thing to do though, you’re better off buyin one to tell you the truth.

Already got a 20gb one, but something for nothing! Gotta be good lol

man, i’d help you if i lived in the US, but sadly enough i am not living there :frowning:

man, i’d help you if i lived in the US, but sadly enough i am not living there

me two man but i live in canada…enh!?!

I got my 5th referral today!

I created a freeipod guide page to drive traffic to my url. (it worked)

Now i’m just waiting on the ipod :wink: