Back again with a tricky issue concerning encoding, font embedding, HTML & PHP. The situation:
I’m loading text into a dynamic textfield (with HTML parsing turned on) in flash MX using PHP. That works fine. To send one big textstream I usually do a rawurlencode() or urlencode() in PHP. Flash displays simple HTML stuff like a linebreak or font color correctly.
But I do not seem to get any “special” characters in that textfield. Fact is that some of texts being displayed are in French.
Flash MX does not seem to parse those characters correctly [é à è] etc. -
On the Macromedia website it is recommended to use urlencoding (, with the corresponding codes.
I’ve tried turning off all HTML funcionality just to get the accented chars right, but I don’t see them in Flash. Font embedding doesn’t change a thing either.
I’ve also tried to send just one simple HTML string to the HTML textfield that should generate an “e accent aigue” using htmlentities() -> &ecaute;
But that doesn’t seem to work either. -
Note: I’m not using any bizar font (just an Arial, Tahoma or Verdana) & I do understand there are two issues here: HTML / encoding.
It’s probably not all that difficult.