Best idea ever Sen :beam:
eek!!! i would so die if i saw my azz for sale on ebay. hehehe. good news. after a dose of benadryll and some nice shots ofd my old friend jose cuervo, i couldnt give a damm about my bum, or the sting on it. in fact, i’m nto quite sure i ahve one anymore. maybe you guyses already took it to ebay?
lol, did that benadryll also impair your typing
No, I think that was the jose cuervo
:quickly cancels ebay bidding:
why r u cancelling?
whoah!!! i jsut had soem SERIOUS DAJVU
Tequilla is cure for everything …
…Tequilla silver
im alergic… i have no idea… i freak when it comes to bees, wasps, Yellow Jackets… =(