Argh the misery!

I usualy dont start threads like this but today I want share my pain:

I got the flue… my eyeballs feel like they are made of sandpaper, my head feels like its spining round and round in circles, as well as being crushed together… and everything hurts… and worst of all! I dont even want to open flash or any design program…

Any idea whats a quick way to get better ?

kick back with some snacks and watch a movie or something. i dunno, i havent had the flu in a long time.

Sleep a lot, eat a lot, and going to the doctor could help.

Yeah thanks guys! The movie thing sounds good… if I can just bring myself to standup

usually staying off the comp helps.
when im sick and im on the comp, i get more head aches and fever

You could always jsut get trashed. Sometimes if you get enough alcohol in your blood stream the viruses won’t survive.

ewww…the flu

i would make sure to drink plenty of fluids (lots of orange juice!).

if you have a headache don’t put anything cold on your head…try putting a warm washcloth across your head. the reason being, the warm washcloth will dialate your blood vessels (thus reducing your headache) and the cold will make your blood vessels constrict (actually making your headache worse).

oh yeah, get plenty of sleep!


I slept a lot and drank tons of orange flavored gatorade - it helps you rehydrate a little bit faster (so the commercial says) =)

Kirupa :wink:

lol, kirupa is just a slave to the commercial world :wink:

Bedrest and plenty of fluids. OJ is good, but if you are pukey sick then water is better. The acid in the OJ won’t helps much if you are already not feeling well.


Take two aspirins and a paracetamol - works wonders. Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks guys,

Got aspirin, got orange juice, got bed, I think I am all set!

i would got to a doc, but I am without isurance… :frowning:

*Originally posted by kirupa *
**I slept a lot and drank tons of orange flavored gatorade - it helps you rehydrate a little bit faster (so the commercial says) =)

Kirupa :wink: **

Your right K-man, my doctor told me the exact same thing. If you need to get hydrated fast, drink gatorade or powerade because it helps speed up the process… and doctors are never wrong! :thumb:

doctors are never wrong!

I dunno if that was sarcasm or not but… ahem… 2nd leading cause of death, non-ilness related, is doctors…

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**I dunno if that was sarcasm or not but… ahem… 2nd leading cause of death, non-ilness related, is doctors… **

You know what they call the guy who graduates last in his class from Med School?




You know something… that’s scary as hell :frowning:

remember, 50% of the doctors practicing medicine today graduated in the bottom half of their class from Med School…

Some didn’t even make it on the first attempt…

sobering thoughts eh?
