…stung me on my rear tonight. and it’s killing me. do any of you smart kirupans know how to numb the pain?
(i know i could just drink some bourbon, but i’m out)
i dunno, there has to be soem old wive’s trick to make it go away, like oatmeal for poison ivy or sumthin…
any advise is appreciated
large mallet to the cranium works wonders…
Oh, and don’t sit down…
I’ve heard a lot of ways to “get back” , but this one takes the cake!
not funny
hehe, ok, medium funny
ouch, beestings are never fun. i think i’ve been stung once in my entire life, unless they still do but i pass them for mosquito bites…
be sure to get the stinger out if it’s still in there. and i think bengay works well on it, it’s the cool heat feeling that does it.
bengay really? ill see if i have any. thanks :beam:
and the bad thing about yellow jackets, is their stinger doesn’t come out like in bees. so they can keep stinging you like wasps. which is what i think this little f***er did. grr.
did it look like this?
I dont think it flew like a butterfly
… well …
thanks for getting that one…
golgi girl, where you been?
should send that to Ali…
hey pinx!! i’ve been… out and about. bouncing back and forth between a few states, workin on a tan, visiting some ppl. good to see ya again
cool! i myself will be leaving for croatia at the end of the month and i’m stoked. but…my uncle has internet so kirupaland won’t be getting rid of me that easily.
heres an update on my bum…
bengay made it ouch more, now i have an M&M peanut sized boo-boo.
It is an allergic reaction to the schidt the YJ pumped into you (I watch Discovery Channel, can you tell?)…
Therefore, I do not know of an antidote for the pain, other than numbing your senses… Do you have an easy access Adrenaline Shop in your neighborhood? That is what they give to people in shock from bee stings…
Maybe Uncle Fizzy in Tennessee has a “poltice” that you could give a try…
*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**heres an update on my bum…
bengay made it ouch more, now i have an M&M peanut sized boo-boo. **
that stuff usually eases my harsh bug bites. plus i love the feeling you get in the general area you put it in.
When bees sting they inject a poison sack into you which bursts at a later time. Since this was a yellow jacket, you don’t need to remove a stinger, but you do need to be sure not to press on the area and force the poison deeper inside, which will cause much worse of a reaction.
Of course this will be hard considering the place it stung you, but yeah.
Also take some Tylenol or some other analgesic (isn’t that what tylenol is?) before it gets worse.
I think we better amputate …
Uh oh! We must amputate this cheek! Unforunately you will sit on a slant for the rest of your life, but theres always the option of implants
we’ll just do both!
[size=1](then sell them on ebay :evil: )[/size]