From MySql to Flash with PHP | HELP! =(

The tut of what i’m trying to do can be found here.

I tried everything (that I can think of) :h: … anybody else have any ideas on what the problem could be!? :sigh:

Oh, yea :rabbit: … hehe, THE PROBLEM IS: it doesn’t dissplay anything :sleep: … and i just cant figure out why…

here is the PHP file (named sites.php):

mysql_pconnect ("*EDIT", "*EDIT", "*EDIT");

mysql_select_db ("*EDIT");
$qResult = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM sites ORDER BY id");
$nRows = mysql_num_rows($qResult);
$rString ="&n=".$nRows;
for ($i=0; $i< $nRows; $i++){
	$row = mysql_fetch_array($qResult);
	$rString .="&amp;id".$i."=".$row['id']."&"."&title".$i."=".$row['title']."&"."&link".$i."=http://".$row['link']."&";
echo $rString."&";


(* are all what they should be =) in the “real” PHP)
I’ve also tried the PHP file and this is what it displays (&n=2&id0=1&&title0=blabla&&link0= So that means it’s workin’ (right?!), but there is somethin’ wrong with the SWF file…

and then some AS (from a file named

function lv(l, n, t, e, f) {
	if (l == undefined) {
		l = new LoadVars();
		l.onLoad = function() {
			var i;
			n.htmlText = "";
			if (t == undefined) {
				n.htmlText += "<b>"+this["title"+e]+"</b><br>";
			} else {
				for (i=0; i<this.n; i++) {
					n.htmlText += "<class='menu_item'><a href='"+this["link"+i]+"'>"+this["title"+i]+"</a><br>";
lv(sites_txt, "cycle", null, "sites.php");

(yes, i’ve doubble checked… the dynamic text fields instansname is sites_txt in the FLA file)
And then thats pretty much it… anyOne :bu:

I also spent a good bit of time pouring over the code.

A good fix can be found in this thread: