I know some of you hate fruitcake and maybe a few of you don’t. I personally love it. But what eludes me is why so many people don’t like it. What do you particularly like/hate about fruitcake?
I bring this up because there is currently one sitting on my dining room table.
i dont like it for several reasons:
the texture is icky IMO
its way too sweet for me. i prefer natural sweetness in fruit or something to cakes and candies and such in general, so something sooo sweet makes my toes curl
i dont like dried fruit too much, and i hate rasins, so its like, ugh. again, i love fruit, if its fresh. but it just gives me the willies all dried and baked and brick-ified
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Yuck, fruitcakes. They have this type of cream that makes me wanna vomit. Really. And then the combination of oranges with that cream, actually makes me vomit. YUCK !
I have tried fruitcake a number of times and hated it each time. It left a really weird aftertaste that I didn’t like at all. And I, too, am not a fan of the texture. Oh well… maybe I haven’t had any of the good stuff…
Fruitcake - one of the few creations to come out of my dad’s kitchen that I sent back. I say we make a wonderful list of all the things you can use fruitcake for.
[]A hammer
[]A doorstop
[]A threat (ex: If you don’t finish your dinner… I’ll make you eat fruitcake!!!")
[]Collect a few from around the neighbourhood and use them in combination with a hammer (or another fruitcake) to make an excellent coffee table
[]Carve with diamonds and you will have a frisbee!
[]Make large flat ones and you will have snow tires. (For car or bike)
[*]Candle holder (it’s flame retardant!)