I’ve been trying to smooth out this image of a guitar that I’m “trying” to get done to use in an animation… Thing is since I made it, it’s not wanting to be mr. smooth guitar but rather “hey, look everyone, i think I’m a guitar, Guitar!” --> you following?
So, a really stupid guy once said there’s no such thing as stupid questions… well…
How do I go about making a Mr. Smooth Guitar… ummm. Smooth?
A way to keep something that simple smooth is to use a vector program rather than a Raster program.
Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, or Flash are all capable of Vector, just import your image in there and trace it or just redraw it from scratch.
Then using smooth I’m set… Mine came came out like yours… kinda.
The idea behind it, I want to use it as a layer mask for transitions between scenes. So instead of just a flash of white or what have you, it will flash in with the guitar…
for re-usability sake I would say to use the pen tool in fireworks. So you have control over the stroke fill and aliasing. If you have trouble with the pen tool I can do it for you.
Give me a few hours to play with it and then I’ll take you up on your offer. I should be able to after working with awhile… Never will get it until I buckle down!!!
Thanks again…
Pssst! I’ll probably wind up looking for you this evening! LOL!