Frustration sets in

I’ve been trying to smooth out this image of a guitar that I’m “trying” to get done to use in an animation… Thing is since I made it, it’s not wanting to be mr. smooth guitar but rather “hey, look everyone, i think I’m a guitar, Guitar!” --> you following?

So, a really stupid guy once said there’s no such thing as stupid questions… well…

How do I go about making a Mr. Smooth Guitar… ummm. Smooth?

A way to keep something that simple smooth is to use a vector program rather than a Raster program.

Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia Fireworks, or Flash are all capable of Vector, just import your image in there and trace it or just redraw it from scratch.

Here is a redrawn version of it in Flash that I did.

Gotta love that Trace Bitmap feature :stuck_out_tongue:

Then using smooth I’m set… Mine came came out like yours… kinda.

The idea behind it, I want to use it as a layer mask for transitions between scenes. So instead of just a flash of white or what have you, it will flash in with the guitar…

We’ll see how my first project comes out…

Sounds like a cool idea.

You can adjust the settings in the Color Threshold, Minimun Area, Curve Fit, and Corner Threshold.

I used, 25, 25, normal, normal. If you go overboard though, it will lag your Flash.

let you know how it comes out tomorrow evening…

for re-usability sake I would say to use the pen tool in fireworks. So you have control over the stroke fill and aliasing. If you have trouble with the pen tool I can do it for you.

Give me a few hours to play with it and then I’ll take you up on your offer. I should be able to after working with awhile… Never will get it until I buckle down!!!

Thanks again…

Pssst! I’ll probably wind up looking for you this evening! LOL!

Don’t know if it would apply but here’s a link -

Thanks Shazmax! :beam:

Great link Shaz :wink:

You bet…that little trick has smoothed out images for me for ages.