Fscommand fullscreen auto scales flvplayback component!?

I’m running into an issue I can’t seem to get around.

I have an FLVPlayback component instance on my stage, into which I load videos based on button presses. When I create a .swf of my project though, if I use

fscommand(“fullscreen”, “true”);
fscommand(“allowscale”, “false”);

I get unexpected behavior. What should happen is the file loads, everything is centered, and the area around the project is whatever the background color is. This sort of works … until the first FLV is played. The FLV gets scaled to 100% (fullscreen) and if I hit “esc” I go back to the “normal” sized player, but if I then maximize the window (almost the same as fullscreen), the entire flash player now decides to scale, not just the FLV playback component.


I’d like to be able to have my windows projector file to take up the entire screen when it’s loaded (without being scaled), but this doesn’t seem possible. Any ideas what’s going on?

Regarding the FLVPlayback component, I’ve tried everything to make it fit and not scale …

set height, width, set scale to “noScale”, set registrationHeight, registrationWidth, etc. Nothing works.

Anyone know what I’m talking about?