Argh! This is driving me nuts! I’m doing a little mini project for myself (which is a great way to procrastinate) that requires the use of JavaScript to get a list of drives, folders, files, etc.
It’s going to be running as my new Windows desktop and is an experiment of sorts but for some annoying reason, FSCommand just does not want to work with me! I’ve got the VBScript right after the JavaScript and I’ve got the command checking etc. all in place but either IE doesn’t accept it or Flash doesn’t like it!
The reason I think IE might be playing with it is because I tried to use an example I found online and it worked fine. I downloaded the source code and ran that after compiling it but there was nothing! Nothing happened at all! I ran the same html file in Firefox and it worked fine (after Macromedia told me to change my security settings to let it through, etc., etc.)
The reason Flash might be playing up is because when I ran my html file in Firefox it did nothing although the code seems to be identical in my Flash and the core script in the HTML.
Has anyone had any issues like this?