Fuel/Electric Cell Scooter

There is this electric sooter we are designing a fuel cell for to recharge the batteries. Its called the Vectrix.

We finally got one of the prototypes to test the methanol powered fuel cell.

This thing rocks. It can go 85 MPH and has a distance on a single charge of about 150 miles. Thats sick for an electric.
I was beating the bag out of it around our complex today. I couldnt take it on the road because it cant be registered because its nowhere near being street leagal at this time.

The acceleration on this thing is insane. Its all electric so there are no gears to go through it just goes. I tried to pull a wheelie on it but it wouldnt do it. Its a 400LB machine due to all of the batteries and they are housed in the front.

The target markets are in europe so it probably wont hit the states until 2006. We should be in production of the fuel cell version by the end of this year.

Here are some pics.