Hey guys, just curious on your opinion of a new site I just finished for our company. Its totally flash, and uses XML data (first time i attemted this, too)… plus i made the music for it, so i hope you don’t find it too annoying. Otherwise, please critique it as honestly as possible, thx!
OKAY!! i caved under pressure and titled the document. … i guess it makes sense not to leave the site only 99.999% done… glad you guys like it and thanks for all the feedback. Honestly if you hadnt’ve pointed it out i might have left it untitled forever…
hey evolution, i made the music with Apples GarageBand… if you haven’t seen it yet, totally check it out. Its not as good as like logic or cubase, but they also sell a tight little midi-ready keyboard for $99, which i need to get on my next paycheck, and its a really nice streamlined sequencer.
bombingpixels, the xml should load quickly (its just text after all)… we run it on our server here at work, and sometimes it gets lagged because we host a lot of other sites as well… I’ll keep an eye on this though.
lunatic, word up from p-town. i’m just moving to eastside near reed too.
tuky, took me about 5 weeks to put everything together from scratch. nice photography site, btw… i like lots of whitespace with photos. I did one last year too for a guy down in LA, check it out:
Very nice site! love the transitions, the color schemes, the nav system, everything! except for one thing…
I see everyone like the music so this comment its probably going to the toilet but anyways, I really didnt like the music, u could probably make something more relaxing and more atmospheric, I dont know if I make any sense, ur music its not bad, but it gets annoying to the ear too fast, I hear it like 10 seconds and turned it off but that was all.
Sorry for the bad comment but it was only one, be proud!
Awesome… try changing the rollover sounds to something more pad like more mellow. It kinda ruins the mood just a bit. But other than that I love it. Great design, great work, great layout and a really original look