Full flash site just finished

Hey guys, just curious on your opinion of a new site I just finished for our company. Its totally flash, and uses XML data (first time i attemted this, too)… plus i made the music for it, so i hope you don’t find it too annoying. Otherwise, please critique it as honestly as possible, thx!





I got that when I clicked on any of the text boxes while I was browsing your portfolio.

Some had unfinished text, so I thought clicking would do something, but it took me to an “HTTP 404 - File not found” pop up.

Very nice site! love the transitions, the color schemes, the nav system, everything! except for one thing…

I see everyone like the music so this comment its probably going to the toilet but anyways, I really didnt like the music, u could probably make something more relaxing and more atmospheric, I dont know if I make any sense, ur music its not bad, but it gets annoying to the ear too fast, I hear it like 10 seconds and turned it off but that was all.

Sorry for the bad comment but it was only one, be proud! :slight_smile:

Overall an excellent site, congrats! :thumb:


Awesome… try changing the rollover sounds to something more pad like more mellow. It kinda ruins the mood just a bit. But other than that I love it. Great design, great work, great layout and a really original look

Excellent, there’s a title now!

The whole site is Awesome, CC.

I found a typo under “Balwin Creek Solutions” in the Portfolio: It says “layed back” but it should be “laid back.”

I know, we’re getting nitpicky now. :wink:

great site! the text in the “about us” section was fuzzy on the far-right on my monitor. i’m running IE6 on Windows XP.

really, really, really, well done. very smooth.